[NSE 22A/B] - Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (12 pages long!)

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Measuring methods include tympanic, oral, axilla, & rectal. Force should be 2+ on a scale from 1-3. Different positions include radial, brachial, femoral, popliteal, posterior tibial and dorsalis pedal. One full cycle includes one inspiration & one expiration. Wash hands before entering a room, when changing gloves, when soiled, after procedures, when leaving a room. Use when in contact with bodily fluids, patient has virus transmittable by air or body fluids. Contact precautions: gown & gloves, maybe single room (ex. Droplet precautions: gown, gloves, mask, goggles; must be 2m away from other patient (ex. Airborne precautions: n95 mask, single & negative pressure room (ex, measles, Restraints are only used if all other options have been exhausted; they are never the first choice. Restraints are used when they reduce the risk of self injury, prevent interruption of therapy, prevent removal of life support equipment and reduce the risk of injury to others. A score of 5+ is high risk for falls.