NUR 80A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Cohort Study, Random Assignment, Time Series

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Document Summary

Review for nur80: background: looking at the gaps in the literature, methods: how do i decide how to select my participants, study design, quality of the. Introduction: purpose of the paper data, measurement tools used for the study outcomes. In vitro : bx: anthropomorphic : bmi; height and weight are being considered. Week 2: experimental, randomization, control group and intervention, recall: randomization= random assignment to experimental or control groups, quasi experimental, no randomization, control and intervention. Ie: time series design: non experimental, no randomization, no control and no intervention, correlational research. Ie: retrospective cas studies ( looking back) Reliability test-re test reliability: looking at a internal consistency : extent to which measuring the same characteristics: cronbach"s alpha: higher than 0. 8( is considered to be reliable) interrater reliability: consistency btwn diff observers. Types of hypotheses: directional hypothesis : there will be an increase or decrease, non directional hypothesis: there will be a difference, null hypothesis: there will be no difference.