PHL 101 Study Guide - Meddle, Glaucon

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23 Feb 2014

Document Summary

Intrinsically- desired for their own sakes, such as joy or harmless pleasure. Instrumentally and intrinsically good- they are both useful and desired for their own sakes, such as knowledge and health. Instrumentally- not chosen for their own sakes, but because it"s necessary, such as medical treatment. Glaucon believes that justice is strictly instrumentally good because he believes that all who practice justice do so unwillingly. Contract argument: injustice is good for one but bad for the other. Each person wants to do injustice to another but does not want to suffer injustices. We create laws and the obedience to these laws are called justice. This is called mutual restraint, which deters people from seeking an advantage over their neighbour. Glaucon believes that restraining oneself is cause enough to be considered a burden because humans naturally want to out-do their neighbour, if we had the ability to do injustice to somebody without punishment, they would do it.