PSY 209 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Cognitive Evaluation Theory, Employee Stock Ownership Plan, Social Cognitive Theory

164 views10 pages
7 Apr 2015

Document Summary

What is motivation: motivation = intensity, direction and persistence of effort a person shows to reach a goal, intensity = how hard a person tries, direction = where effort is channelled, persistence = how long effort is maintained. Theory x and theory y: theory x assumptions, employees dislike work, employees avoid work, they must be coerced, controlled or threatened/ punished to perform, theory y assumptions, employees like to work, employees are creative & seek. Responsibility: employees can exercise self-direction and self-control. Intrinsic motivators = a persons internal desire to do something (interest, challenge & personal satisfaction: extrinsic motivators = motivation that comes from outside the person (pay, bonuses, & other tangible rewards) Self-esteem (internal self respect, autonomy, achievement, external status, recognition, Self-actualization (drive to become what one is capable of, growth, achiving potential, self- Existence = concerned with providing basic material existence reqs. Relatedness = desire to maintain important interpersonal relationships.