SOC 103 Study Guide - Final Guide: Keynesian Economics, Political Philosophy, Neoliberalism

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12 Oct 2016

Document Summary

Ith chapter 7 (class 9,10, 12 - p. 141-164) - the social construction of ideas/knowledge ideology/culture/socialization/hegemony. Mass communications in canada (media) - source of knowledge/ideas. Education system - source of power - source of knowledge/ideas. Chapter 8 - (class 13, 14, - p. 165-190) - the state and its role in class/capitalist relations. Understanding the state - 2 modern views. Feudalism: ruling class controlled economic and military/legal activity. Gov is largely neutral, balances interest groups, maintains social order, acts for good of the majority, autonomous decision-making body. State represses/subordinated for the economic class legitimates/maintains status quo. Democracy in capitalist societies and its limitations. Capitalism in its most repressive, undemocratic, militaristic form. Corporations - operate with low regulation, highly control economic sphere. Ideology, fascism opposing democracy, pacifism, collectivism, human rights, civil liberties. Chapter 9 - (class 17, 18, p. 191-210) neoliberalism and globalization. Free flow of capital around the world is enabled by . Domination of capitalist economies by financial sector.