SOC 103 Study Guide - Final Guide: Richard Cloward, Authoritarian Personality, Travis Hirschi

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30 Dec 2016

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Csoc103 - final exam notes (chapter 16, 12, 11, 8) Education is the social institution responsible for the systematic transmission of knowledge, skills, and cultural values within a formally organized structure. Micro level; acquiring basic knowledge to survive in society. Macro level; essential component in maintaining culture of a society (intergenerational) Cultural transmission: children & immigrants becoming acquainted with dominant cultural beliefs, values, and knowledge of society (differs in preliterate, preindustrial, industrial nations) Preliterate > informal education: unplanned/spontaneous learnings, usually survival skills such as gathering food, nding shelter, making weapons and tools. Preindustrial > formal education: learning wishing an academic setting, philosophers in ancient greece/rome, catholic church universities during the middle ages, focus on educating people during the renaissance. Industrial > mass education: free (tax-supported), public schooling for wide segments of the nation, made for capitalists to to have workers grasp basic reading, writing, and arithmetic skills and even beyond for management and clerical jobs.