SOC 525 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Terra Nullius, Antonio Gramsci, Indian Register

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14 Dec 2016

Document Summary

Section i terms, concepts and quotations (3x10=30 marks) Additive analysis vs. intersecting analysis: definition: additive 1. Based on dichotomous thinking: dichotomous differences must be ranked. Oppressions are held together by power (systems of domination and subordination) To eradicate the oppressions, we must challenge the systems that maintain them. Definition: a term developed by italian marxist theorist antonio gramsci to refer to process by which those in power secure the consent of the socially subordinated to the system that oppresses or subordinates them. The elite, through their control of religious, educational, and media institutions, attempt to persuade the populace that the hierarchical social and economic system is fixed and (cid:498)natural(cid:499), therefore unchangeable. Relate to reading: according to james lull (cid:498)(egemony is the power of dominance that one social group has over others(cid:499). Media operate as tools that ruling elites use to (cid:498)perpetuate their power, wealth and status my popularizing their own philosophy, culture and morality(cid:499) (cid:523)cited in boggs, 19(cid:889)(cid:888): 39(cid:524).