SOC 885 Midterm: SOC Week 3- CULTURE

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Document Summary

Culture is the total way of life shared by members of a society. Culture is essentially the complete way of life shared by people, including both the material and non-material. It includes not only language, values, and symbolic meanings but also technology and material objects. elements. Countercultures: countercultures are groups having values, interests, beliefs, and life-styles that are opposed to those of the larger culture, example: during the late 1960s, hippies became the largest and most visible countercultural group in the. Non-material elements: cognitive: knowledge and beliefs of people, symbolic: verbal and non-verbal forms of communication. Non-verbal someone on the ttc sits really close to you and you move away. Verbal the language you use to communicate to people: normative: values, beliefs, and behavioural expectations of people. Material elements: material artifacts, products created by groups members. Theoretical perspective: first approach, culture is the underlying basis of interaction. Theoretical perspectives on culture: first approach, culture is the underlying basis of interaction.