CMNS 110- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 13 pages long!)

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Cmns 110 lecture #2: types of communication, models of communication, socialization and identity. Types of communication: intra-personal: communication we have with ourselves. It prepares us for what will come in the inter-perso(cid:374)al e(cid:374)viro(cid:374)(cid:373)e(cid:374)t, it"s a coping mechanism, based on thoughts and emotions. Example: when we have dreams (explain yourself): interpersonal communication: group and/or organizational communication. Team-based learning, team-based models: public communication/political communication: politics, public relations, advertising. How we persuade people: study of signs and symbols- semiotic communication: inter-cultural differences, non-verbal communication, gestures, body language, how we dress, how we show respect, etc, mass communication/ media communication: how media impacts our way of life. Transmission model of communication: a model of limits, sender, encoding, message, decoding, receiver. Harold lasswell"s communication model (cid:894)based on transmission model(cid:895: based on propaganda, who, says what, in which channel, to whom, with what effect. Interaction model of communication: reciprocating, feedback- response to verbal and non-verbal cues, context in which we communicate also becomes important.