CMPT 120 Study Guide - Final Guide: User Interface, Infinite Loop, Command-Line Interface

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CMPT 120 Full Course Notes
CMPT 120 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

The study of algorithms including their formal mathematical properties, hardware realizations, linguistic realizations and applications. A well-ordered collection of unambiguous and effectively computable operations that, when executed, produces a result and halts at a finite amount of time. Observation where number of transistors on a chip and speed of microprocessors, at a constant cost, doubles every 18 - 24 months (exponential growth) Computing power (processing speed) rising exponentially, storage power (memory) rising exponentially, miniaturization of electronics at quantum level. Gui: graphic user interface commands are carried out by user icons, wimp (windows, icons, Cli: command line interface user commands are instructed through typed text. Hybrid: gui + cli commands are a combination of both, e. g. ) With precision: exactly specifying each step, and accuracy: hitting the direct point of the problem. Syntax: incorrect grammar or spelling e. g. ) missing semicolons, undeclared variables. Semantic: incorrect meaning e. g. ) infinite loop, dangling else, misplaced code.