CRIM 103 Study Guide - Final Guide: Road Rage, Aggressive Driving, Konrad Lorenz

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L ec t u r e 9: v io l e n t c r im e. Aggression is the basis of violent crime. Some researchers contend that human beings learn to be aggressive from their social environment. Violence: destructive physical aggression intentionally directed at harming other persons/things behavioral manifestation of aggression. May be methodical, random, sustained, leeting, intensive or uncontrolled violence is aggressive behavior, but not all aggressive behavior is violent. Aggression = behavior perpetrated with the intent + attempt to harm another individual (physically/socially) or to destroy an object. Passive-aggressive behaviors: behaviors interpreted as aggressive in intent, even though it is passive and indirect. Violence = destructive physical aggression intentionally directed at harming other persons or things. Aggression + violence = the actions of the perpetrator that are critical. Hostile: occurs in response to anger-inducing conditions (real/perceived insults, physical attacks, or one"s own failures) Goal is to make the victim sufer.