PSYC 325 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Aplysia, Pontine Nuclei, Granule Cell

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Identify and define the basic terminology of classical conditioning [unconditioned stimulus, unconditioned response conditioned stimulus, conditioned response] Unconditioned stimulus (us): cue that is in the absence of prior training naturally evokes a response. Unconditioned response (ur): naturally occurring response to an us. Conditioned stimulus (cs): cue paired with us, and comes to elicit a conditioned response. Conditioned response (cr): trained response to a conditioned stimulus in anticipation of the unconditioned stimulus that it predicts. Describe how pavlov demonstrated classical conditioning in dogs. A neutral stimulus (cs) is then repeatedly presented before the reflex is triggered, producing a new reflex. Appetitive conditioning: conditioning in which the us is a positive event. Aversive conditioning: conditioning in which the us is a negative event. New cs cr reflex helps avoid noxious us. Extinction: process of reducing a learned response to a stimulus by ceasing to pair that stimulus with a reward or punishment. Breaking association between the cs and the us.