SA 150 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Highland Clearances, Tutsi, False Consciousness

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19% said they were lower middle class that makes up 93% of canadians. January 3rd 2012: canadians beginning their work day learned that by noon that day, each of the top 100. Ceos in canada had already earned as much as the average canadian would in a year: average canadian salary: ,330 per year, average ceo salary: ,400,000 per year. Made conlict theory: shaped historical events, governments. People"s republic of china: labor unions and worker paries. Historical periods are: disinguished by the mode of producion of the period, classes: groups of people who play diferent roles in the producive system. Most important disincion in capitalism: bourgeoisie (capitalist): those who own property. Property; resources used to produce things and generate wealth. Land, machinery, factory, etc: proletariat (worker): those who own their labor, people who do not it into these classes: Believes that in the end there will be a proletariat revoluion that will result is an egalitarian society (classless)