SA 345- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 42 pages long!)

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Refers to the relationship individuals have to each other and the power of the state. Article highlights relationship between immigration policy and citizenship rights. Critiques marshall"s theory of citizenship deep-seated belief on the superiority of the west . Citizenship originated in the dispossession of aboriginal peoples. Institution of citizenship was key to the processes of . Citizenship normalized colonial dispossession through the granting of . Institution of citizenship became connected to forced migrations of aboriginal peoples onto reserves. Immigration policy central to process of generating a national population and regulating its access to resources. The nation"s racial identity and legal citizenship was synonymous to being white. The indian act and other immigration legislation. Citizenship was instituted in a triangulated formation: strangers/unwelcome. Other marginalized groups challenged elite power to increase their access to citizenship. Citizenship serves as a status that mobilizes national subjects. After 1960s, non-preferred races acquired increased access to citizenship.