PSYC 1030H Study Guide - Final Guide: Thematic Apperception Test, Rorschach Test, Fundamental Attribution Error

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Overview: roles and rules, social influences on beliefs, group conflict and prejudice. Roles and rules: defining norms and roles, the obedience study, the prison study, the power of roles. The obedience study: stanley milgram and coworkers investigated whether people would follow orders, even when the order violated their ethical standards, most people were far more obedient than anyone expected. Every single participant complied with at least some orders to shock another person: 2/3 shocked the learner to the full extent, results are controversial and have generated much research on violence and obedience. The power of roles: factors that cause people to obey, allocating responsibility to the authority, routinizing the task, wanting to be polite, becoming entrapped. Entrapment is a gradual process in which individuals escalate their commitment to a course of action to justify their investment of time, money, or effort. Social influences on beliefs: defining social cognition, attributions, attitudes.