AUPSY102- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 61 pages long!)

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Cognitive psych covers all of these questions. Piggy banks contains coins, coins went shook make noise etc Henry molaison (h. m. ) suffered from epileptic seizures and lost his memory, neuroscientists went ahead and removed hm"s hippocampus before learning it was responsible for memory. Inability to form new memories can prove to be very traumatic to individuals. Introspection inner reflection on one"s own thoughts. Behaviourism doesn"t explain why people do things w/ the absence of rewards. There"s more to understanding observable behaviour than just one simple explanation. Cognitive revolution introspection not scientific and therefore not as useful in the long-term. Vocalizing tah tah tah takes up the space of the articulatory rehearsal loop thereby making it more difficult to remember numbers after reading a short paragraph. Cross-cultural phenomenon that it is more difficult to multi-task. Testing people with anarthria (inability to move vocal muscles - difficult or no speech) Areas used for speech in the brain also used in subvocal rehearsal.