HIST110 Quiz: HIST 110 Quiz Review

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History 110 january 30th quiz review. whatever they want) determines right to rule, no one dynasty has permanent right to rule. Who/what: chinese philosophical concept originating during zhou dynasty. Who/what: the most recent lord buddha, founder of buddhism. Historical signi cance: founder of the four noble truths, practice of morality. Wisdom develops with compassion: gaozu against buddhism, empress wu in favor, founds buddhism which today affects millions of people. All about living a moral life, being aware of thoughts/actions, and developing wisdom and understanding. Historical signi cance: the fact of suffering, the cause of suffering: craving/aversion, the fact that there is a way out of suffering: happiness. Give up craving and learn to live each: the way itself: noble 8-fold path: being moral, focusing mind on being aware of our thoughts, taught by buddha, the heart of buddhism, affects millions of people. When: 551 bc - 479 day at a time and actions, and developing wisdom.