NU FS305 Study Guide - Final Guide: Cardiomegaly, Thiamine, Bioavailability

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We get this water-soluble vitamin from food sources such as whole grains, pork and legumes. The bioavailability of this vitamin is approximately 100% however heating degrades it. Thanks to its easy excretion there is no upper limit set. The function of b1 in glycolysis is to convert pyruvate to acetyl-coa and carbon monoxide. It is also important to the biological synthesis of lipids and acetyl-coa. Since there is no upper limit set there has also been no reported symptoms of toxicity. Deficiency on the other hand accompanies malnutrition and the consumption of empty kcal foods as well as grains, such as rice, that have not been fortified. The consumption of raw fish may also contribute to deficiency because it destroys b1. The disease associated with b1 deficiency is beriberi. The symptoms include an enlarged heart, confusion, short tem memory loss and weakness. Korsakoff is another disease having to do with the deficiency of b1 but this is caused by alcoholism.