NU FS356- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 40 pages long!)

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When more energy is taken in than burned out expended then there is weight gain. This weight gain leads to an excess of body fat, which occurs over time. What are the causes: global shift in diet, genetics, medications, home and school environments (kids must eat what they are served, children"s lifestyle ha(cid:271)its and (cid:271)ehaviors", social and economic development, policies. Remember, the who growth charts for canada are categorized into different ages because of growing patterns. We have one chart for 0 24 months and another for 2 -19 years, which is further broken down into 2 5 year olds and 5 19 year olds. For the growth charts for 0 24 months we use the weight for length as an indicator of pediatric obesity. If the (cid:272)hild"s weight compared to height is in the 85th percentile or higher they have some form of obesity. Above 85th is at risk for overweight, above 97th they are overweight and above the.