NURS103 Study Guide - Final Guide: Hearing Aid, Fall Prevention, Hip Fracture

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Hospitalized patients are more at risk for falling than the general population. Those with a dependence in daily living activities. Those who are taking sedatives or pain killers. By eating well weakness and dizziness can ensue from missing meals. A well balanced and regular diet will also help maintain strength. By keeping fit keeping muscles toned can prevent decline in mobility, strength, balance and flexibility. It it recommended to do at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity preferably everyday. Difficulty hearing is also a risk factor for falls (not being able to hear people or traffic nearby). It"s important to make sure that if a hearing aid is required it is not only being used, but used correctly. By knowing the side effects of medication some medications can cause dizziness and weakness, which can affect a person"s balance and perception. These risks are exaggerated if the medication is not taken as prescribed or as suitable to that specific person.