NURS103 Study Guide - Final Guide: Nocturnal Enuresis, Cognitive Development, Strabismus

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Positive emotions and more effective at sharing thoughts, interacting, and communicating. Boys-> slightly larger w/ more muscle and less fatty tissue. Scribbling and drawing-> develop fine motor skills and eye-hand coordination (needed for printing) Chronic conditions/hospitalization-> need ongoing exposure to developmental opportunities-> work w/ parents on this. Continue to master preoperational stage of cognition (piaget) First phase= preconceptual thought (2-4: perception-bound thinking-> judge on outward appearance or what seems to be true, limited attention and attending skills, misconception. Artificialism= everything in the world has been created by humanity. Animism= attribution of animal life to inanimate objects. Immanent justice= built-in code of law and order is broken-> punishment will occur immediately. Curiosity and developing initiative-> exploring enviro, new skills, making new friends. Guilt arises when the overstep their abilities-> not behaved correctly-> teach that wishing for something to happen doesn"t make it happen.