NURS103 Study Guide - Final Guide: Dietitian, Hutterite, Terminal Illness

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(lets be real this entire fucking reading was the same shit over and over again) Spirituality= centre of all aspects of a person"s life. Important factor that helps achieve balance to maintain health and well being and coping w/ illness. Caring for spirituality= caring for the whole person. Religion was core of early nursing philosophies and practice until 19th century. But nurses felt like purely science approach left gaps in their care and couldn"t answer all their patients questions. Need for sensitive, safe, and ethical nursing care w/ patients spiritual needs and resources are recognized and supported. Recognize diverse views influence the way patients and nurses view spirituality. Spiritual health= connectedness w/ self, others, and the sacred that transcends and empowers the self. Spirituality has the potential to mobilize personal capacities, illness-coping strategies, and positive health behaviours. Positive spiritual and religious coping-> calmness, peace, decreased anxiety, and improved mood-> improved tolerance to pain.