R SOC375 Study Guide - Final Guide: Climate Change Mitigation, Sustainable Diet, Eating Animals

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Eating like there"s no tomorrow: public awareness of the env impact of food and reluctance to eat less meat as part of a sustainable diet. Associated with high env impact, contributing to climate change. Both positive and negative attributes: rich source of nutrients and proteins, but also associated with increased risk of some chronic diseases. Diets nutritionally adequate, healthy, safe, low env impact, economically fair and affordable, culturally acceptable (fao) Livestock accounts for ~14. 5% of ghg emissions. Need to reduce meat consumption to meet ghg emission reduction targets. Research: you can eat less meat and reduce ghg emissions and achieve dietary requirements for health. Need to take social world of eating into accountability. Some societies, eating meat is the traditional and dominant eating pattern: meat has cultural and symbolic meanings, personal identity, to express social and economic status, gender issue: eating meat framed in masculinity. Proposals to reduce meat consumption challenges values.