SOC100 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Linguistic Turn, Cultural Relativism, Social Constructionism

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Culture= the sum total of the social environment in which we are raised and continue to socialize throughout our lives . foundations of our cultural experiences geography, climate, language, norms, values, traditions. One culture or many? all societies share certain cultural universals. Culture + identity: culture shapes our identity through . language, norms, values, attributing belonging to places of origin. The way you see the world is conditioned: you cant take into account what you cant or wont see. Sapic whorf hypothesis: language shapes reality : language determines what we experience idea that language constitutes our experience. Thought patterns are constituted in a certain way by society. Ability to express on ideas limits ability to see. Linguistic turn: idea that language constitutes reality, experiences are synonymous with language: every experience is conceived through language (ability to describe perceptions) Implications of linguistic turn: means we cannot access a reality beyond our perceptions, which are always interpretations perceptions are reality.