AGR 2150 Study Guide - Final Guide: Reusable Shopping Bag, Chukudu, Cold Days

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Plants consist of primarily carbon like humans, they take it in through their leaves. All the other nutrients come through the roots. Roots are constantly growing because the plants run out of nutrients in one area. Mother plants cannot tend to their children after birth . Seeds will fall far away from the mother plant. Once an animal eats a plant they do not digest the seeds they consist of toxins, so the animal poops out the seeds and they are germinated kilometers away. Plants make sure the fruit they develop are sweet so that animals will be attracted to them. Flowering plants are divided into monocots and dicots. Monocots and dicots are more genetically diverse than a human to a rodent. Man crops and animals are the result of ancient, natural fusions between different species. Some plants have multiple genome fusions: corn is the fusion of two species, one of which is the ancestor of sorghum.