AGR 2350 Study Guide - Final Guide: Capon, Animal Welfare, Reining

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Animal welfare (conventional cages/battery cages, many issues with housing) Healthy choices (high in protein and fatty acids, healthy alternative) Fawl (very efficient animals, minimal feed requirement, produce ~300 eggs in a year, quick metabolic processes: feed, air, water, litter. Eggs: eggs are collected, graded, packed and distributed within one of the 94 ontario facilities. Meat: slaughtered in both provincially (49) and federally (21) inspected plants, largest- roaster, capon, broiler, cornish game - smallest. **can have up to 100 chickens before receiving quota. 3-4 lbs in weight: rhode island red. Males 8. 5 lbs, females 6. 5 lbs: plymouth rock. Turkey: largest tom, hen, broiler smallest. All problems in pets have been caused by human domestication techniques. Ways: training, exercising, enrichment, owner education, medical care, nutrition. People want their pets to eat what they eat. 32. 3% of households have at least one dog. Millions of dollar spent on pet food. Wild feline and canine nutrition: feline.