[BIOC 3560] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (32 pages long)

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Starts at carbon after the carbon that is part of the carboxyl group. When counting to the double bond, you start counting at the methyl end. Starts with c1 as the carboxyl carbon, and continues down to the methyl carbon. C18:1 18 carbon, 1 double bond. Mixed triacylglycerol (tag) is the main storage form: glycerol with 3 fatty acids attached with ester bonds. Tag are coated in perilipin to form lipid globules. They are broken down into fatty acids in the adipocytes, and relocated to the mitochondria of cells that need energy (atp) to undergo fatty acid degradation. Perilipin coats lipid droplets, which protects the prom lipases until they are phosphorylated. Pka phosphorylates and activates hsl (hormone sensitive lipase) Now phosphorylated perilipin releases cgi protein and allows lipases access to the lipid droplet. ** we now have access to the lipids, hsl is active. Fatty acids (fa) are cleaved from tag.