BIOL 1500 Study Guide - Upper Paleolithic, Natural Selection, Industrial Revolution

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Oxymoron: a figure of speech with contradictory terms. Tautology: unnecessary repetition of meaning using dissimilar words. Traditional knowledge: body of information collected over a long period of time that facilitates or describes human interaction with the environment. Built by consensus, often cloaked in legend or fairy tale, based upon observation. Faith knowledge: body of information generated relatively quickly by authority to explain human interaction with the environment. Science knowledge: stuff that we know using the scientific method. 1) hypothesis: a tentative explanation for something, a relationship statement. 2) prediction: a statement about the direction of a relationship proposed by a hypothesis. 3) test: a methodology designed to falsify your hypothesis (or predictions). 4) conclusions: your final statement about the relationship and the direction of it. Niche: an ecological role and space that an organism fills in an ecosystem. Predator, prey, producer, consumer, decomposer, carnivore, herbivore, omnivore, pescivore . Human are different because they occupy a diversity of niches.