[BIOL 2400] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes fot the exam (54 pages long!)

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Day 1: intro to the course [jan 09] Note set 1 you have the 1st edition of the textbook [the rest of the class has the 2nd] Both cumulative [same with final exam] final exam is worth 35% late assignments are not accepted if you miss one, your mark will be based on the other 3 [there"s 4 total] Use turnitin [available on courselink] to check your stuff for plagiarism. Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution. Without that light it becomes a pile of sundry facts - some of them interesting or curious but making no meaningful picture as a whole. What is evolution? it can also be defined as descent with genetic modification. Evolution can be simply defined as a change in gene frequencies through time. Microevolution: evolution studied at the species level. Macroevolution: evolution studied above the species level from the latin word: