BIOM 3210 Study Guide - Final Guide: Special Pleading, Ad Hominem, Tanning Bed

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Ex you"re so smart and knowledgeable because you knew to come to us, let"s make a deal: incompatible premise (s) when two premises in your argument conflict. That"s just the way it is : insufficient sample (s) when a generalization is made based on an individual or few people"s experience ex. This medication worked because no one in my family got sick this year: two-wrongs (reb) when you reject someone"s criticism by stating that they behave the same way. You should eat more veggies, here eat a tomato. Sir please i know no one is supposed to park there but i have had a very long day: faulty analogy (a) when you apply an analogy to two things that have something trivial in common. Either you"re with us or you"re with the terrorists: fallacy of the mean (a) - unacceptable when there are 2 extremes and a middle options between the two is chosen because must be correct.