ENVS 1050 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Crystallization, Lithosphere, Inner Core

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Highlighted in yellow is the material that we did not really cover on lectures; it is covered in your textbook and may be included. The core collapsed and nuclear fusion began and the sun formed. America (eurasia: oceans: pacific, atlantic, arctic, southern, indian (not southern?, average surface temp=16c; highest=57c(death valley); lowest=-89c(antarctica, average elevation=840m; highest=8848m(mt. Everest: deepest ocean depth=11834m (mariana"s trench, oxygen (21%) and nitrogen (78%) are the two major atmospheric gases. 5+lecture notes) definition of mineral and mineraloid; examples of non-mineral substances in rocks: mineraloid mineral-like substance that doesn"t display crystallinity. 4000+ known minerals; 150 common (2 main feldspar and quartz) Most are made up of chemical compounds. Native minerals made up of only one element. Hydrogen (protium 1h, deuterium 2h, tritium 3h) Oxygen (16o, 17o, 18o) used for research of past climates. When x-rays hit an atom, they make the electronic cloud move as does any electromagnetic wave. The movement of these charges re-radiates waves with the same frequency.