FRHD 2100 Study Guide - Final Guide: Anorgasmia, Vaginal Lubrication, Menstrual Synchrony

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Sight: men appear more responsive to visual stimuli then women, women try to look more attractive during ovulation; men"s mate-retention efforts increase then as well. Women dressed in red seem more attractive/sexually desirable to males nut not more kind, intelligent or likeable. Odorless chemicals that are secreted externally and many animals detect through a. 6th sense the vomeronasal organ (vno: menstrual synchrony. Exposure to other females sweat/secretions can alter menstrual cycles so they are similar (dorm-room studies: body odors and sexual orientation. Gays and lesbians may produce axillary odors distinguishable from heterosexuals. Heterosexual males, females and lesbians preferred heterosexual male over gay males. Gay males preferred axillary odors from other gay males. Heterosexuals and lesbians preferred axillary odors taken from lesbians over. Anaphrodisiac: drug or other agent whose effects are antagonistic to sexual arousal or sexual desire. Hippocampus and septal nuclei = secretions produced.