MUSC 2150 Study Guide - Final Guide: Pocket Cube, Statistical Conclusion Validity, Meta-Analysis

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10 Dec 2017

Document Summary

Demonstration of causality: to make inferences of causality we must consider three factors, association, temporal priority, control of common-causal variables. One-way experimental designs: has one independent variable, example 20 fourth grade boys and girls were selected to watch violent cartoons while another group watched non-violent cartoons. Then the children were told to go play and observers measured their degree of aggression this is a one-way experimental design with two levels of the independent variable. The experimental manipulation: to guarantee that the independent variable occurs prior to the dependent variable, in experimental designs the independent variable or variables are manipulated. In an experiment the manipulation becomes the independent variable, and is given a name that reflects the different situations that have been created: levels: refers to the specific situations that are created within the manipulation. In one-way designs the levels of the independent variable are frequently called the experimental conditions.