NUTR 3210 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Hydroquinone, Heme, Adenine

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Hormone receptors big health implications iodide. Steroid hormone receptors intracellular proteins, regulate gene expression. Type i: cytosolic; responds to steroid hormones like estrogens, testosterone, progesterone, glucocorticoids and mineralcorticoids. Iodide; used to synthesize thyroid hormones t3 & t4. T3 regulated metabolic rate and growth in many tissues through the interaction w/ the thyroid hormone receptor. When hypothalamus sense low t3, neural signals to the pituitary cause release of tsh. Most of the circulating form is t4, but t3 is bioactive form. Liver converts t4 to t3. Free thrs (lacking bound t3) have depressing effects of gene expression. Cretinism irreversible mental retardation from fetal hypothryroidism. Vitamin a (hormone receptor) Beta carotene is most active. Retinol- rbp is not active but it is a homeostatic set point. It"s a precursor to the active hormone retinoic acid. Cells obtain retinol from blood and form retinoic acid, which enters the blood and activates the rar and rxr.