PSYC 2450 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Lev Vygotsky, Almost Surely, Neural Tube

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Before each division the cell duplicates its 46 chromosomes and moves in opposite directions. Creates two new cells with the same genetic material. Cell division and formation of cell mass. The embryo is implanted into the uterus where is will. After insemination, sperm travels into the uterus through the fallopian tube with the aim of fertilizing an ovum. If an ovum is present, the first sperm to get in the ovum. Hereditary is studied in order to determine how one"s genotype (genes) may be expressed in their phenotype (physical traits) This is in strong correlation with cells, chromosomes, genes etc because the genetic material that is provided by the sperm and ova creates these unique traits that are expressed physically and in their dna. Each cell is programmed and given a task based on its programming. A gene is a segment in dna that carries the physical and nonphysical traits of a living.