SOC 1100 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Gender Inequality, Serval, Sexual Assault

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Why social movements, by definition are not created, led, or carried out by economic elites or people within government. Collective action: occur when people act in unison to bring resistance to political, social and economic change. Non routine collective action: short lived sometimes violent. Results from disputes of breakdowns from traditional norms, behaviours and expectations: discontent of marginalized people, violation of norms. Relative deprivation: intolerable gab between social rewards people they deserve and social rewards they expect to receive. Contagion: extreme passion spread rapidly through crowd like wild fire. Deprivation not commonly associated with frequency of or intensity of collective action outburst. Necessarily but not sufficient factor to engage in collective action. Measured social breakdown by collecting data rates of urban growth, suicide, major crimes, prices, wages value of industrial production. Work extract concessions from employers or governments in the form of higher wages and improved social welfare benefits.