[SOC 1100] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes fot the exam (65 pages long!)

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Study guide patterns in the behaviour of particular individuals. Seeing the general in the particular - sociologists identify general social. Seeing the strange in the familiar giving up the idea that human behaviour. Seeing personal choice in social context the power of society to shape even. The periods of change or crisis encourage us to use the sociological perspective our most private choices (durkheim on suicide) Sociology has played an important role in the development of canadian. Sociology can have an important role in our personal growth: assess (cid:498)common sense(cid:499), opportunities and constraints, empowerment, and helps us live in diversity. Advertising, banking, business, education, government, journalism, law, public relations and personnel management. The growth of cities pushed people away from working the land. Political change: shift in focus from moral obligation to god and monarch to the pursuit of self-interest. A new awareness of society in england, france and germany. Auguste comte (1798-1857) sociology to study modern social reality scientifically.