ZOO 3620 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Swim Bladder, Mechanosensation, Sa Water

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Avian traits: properties of respiratory surface, mechanism of ventilation, Sensitivity to co2, o2 utilization and atp supply, heart. Bhg: rate of pattern of ventilation, capillaries in muscle, hb-o2 affinity, lungs. Less o2 in water than air at = pp. Inhalation (c) alveolus of lung to pulm. bl. cap. (d) heart to syt. bl. cap. (c) muscle cell, mito. (d) Internal gills: evaginated, project into superficial body cavity, environmental medium pumped in. Zoo 3620 midterm (2)hb that has p50 has affinity for o2. If alveolar po2 varies a bit, blood leaving will remain saturated. Less of a drop in po2 is req. to cause unloading of. Several aspects of hb can be modified: (1) [hb], # rbc (2) allosteric modulation of o2 affinity by organic molecules (3) change in hb isoforms with different o2 affinity. Co2 acts as an acid in aqueous systems because it reacts with water to produce protons (co2+h2o h2co3 h++hco3.