COMP 1020 Study Guide - Final Guide: Type System, While Loop, Bytecode

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COMP 1020 Full Course Notes
COMP 1020 Full Course Notes
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Processing adds some magic: we have to write that ourselves now. The way we think about problemsthe transition from python java. Java is bracketed language: python is whitespace delimited. Python has weak-typing: in java, variables can only be one type, the(cid:455) (cid:272)a(cid:374)"t (cid:272)ha(cid:374)ge. This means we have a pipeline/toolchain we need to use. Output . class files: this (cid:272)alled (cid:862)ja(cid:448)a b(cid:455)te code(cid:863) Running: most oses have a java virtual machine. ja(cid:448)a (cid:894)(cid:272)o(cid:373)piles to(cid:895) . (cid:272)lass (cid:894)ru(cid:374) (cid:271)y(cid:895) jvm. It"s everywhere: android apps are java, dvd/bluray players, old phones, mac/windows/linux/bsd/beos/ Byte code is read in, made to run on that hardware and software. (cid:862)platform independent. The jvm is installed when you install the java runtime environment. We want more tools, so we need java development kit. Dr. java (open source) - windows and old os x. Geany (open source) - os x and windows.