FMLY 1010 Final: Family exam review-1010

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Exam structure: 60 multiple choice questions i mark each for total of 60 marks. Choice of 3 of 5 short answers 5 marks each for total of 15 marks. Chapters 1 to 10 2 to 3 questions on each chapter. We have learned that virtually no features of life-span development are due exclusively to heredity or environment, its always shaped by both. Or do 2 year olds think differently than 30 year olds: universal vs. context-specific development: concerns whether there is just 1 path of development or several. According to this view differences in development are simply variations on a fundamental development process. Chapter 1: freud p. 12: believed that all development is largely complete by adolescence. Had various theories of development, including the idea that personality has several components that emerge over time. Erikson took the foundation laid by freud and extended it through adulthood and into late life.