MBIO 1010 Study Guide - Final Guide: Epsilonproteobacteria, Primary Nutritional Groups, Lysis

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MBIO 1010 - Summer 2018
Microbial Diversity
- Most prokaryotes cannot be cultured in the lab (yet)
- Some phyla are well studied in the lab (E. coli)
- Some are known only from 16S sequences or metagenomic studies
- Two ways to describe microbial diversity
1. Phylogenetic Diversity
o Microbes are grouped into phyla based on evolutionary relationships
o Most often based on 16S rRNA gene sequence (page 5-6)
2. Functional Diversity
o Groups microbes based on the activities they carry out
o Similar behaviours
Diversity of Bacteria
- Details to follow
1. Cyanobacteria
2. Proteobacteria
3. Firmicutes, Tenericutes
and Actinobacteria
4. Bacteroidetes
5. Chlamydiae and
6. Hyperthermophiles
7. Deinococcus-Thermus
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MBIO 1010 - Summer 2018
1. Cyanobacteria
o Impressive morphological diversity, generally larger than other bacteria
§ Unicellular, filamentous, or branching filaments
o Some form heterocysts
§ Specialized nitrogen-fixing cells
§ Example of limited differentiation in bacteria
Bacteria usually do not have special cell types (binary fission)
o Only truly oxygenic photosynthetic microorganisms (see page 32)
§ Harvest energy from light and produce oxygen
o All are autotrophs
§ Fix CO2 to build cell material (Calvin cycle)
§ Doesn’t need existing carbon
§ Can fix carbon from CO2 and can also fix N2
o Like chloroplasts they carry out photosynthesis in specialized membranes called
o Unlike chloroplasts they have cell walls
§ Contain peptidoglycan
§ Gram negative cell wall type
o Widely distributed in terrestrial, freshwater, and marine habitats
o Lowest nutritional requirements of any organisms
§ Primary producers
o Ex. Prochlorococcus
§ One of the most abundant organisms on earth
§ Accounts for ~half of photosynthesis in the World’s oceans
2. Proteobacteria
o Includes many of the most commonly encountered
§ Includes easily cultured bacteria (E. coli)
§ Best studied with most representatives
§ Your typical Gram-negative bacteria
o Most metabolically diverse phylum:
§ Chemolithotrophs (inorganic)
§ Chemoorganotrophs (organic)
§ Phototrophs (anoxygenic)
§ Facultative organisms that can switch from
one metabolic lifestyle to another
o Few unifying characteristics
o Many are pathogens of humans
o Divided into six classes
§ First three classes are well studied
§ Next two are smaller classes with broader
range of phenotypes
§ Last class is barely studied (difficult)
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MBIO 1010 - Summer 2018
i. Alphaproteobacteria
o Non-pathogenic
§ Ex. Rhizobium leguminosarum
Forms root nodules on legume plants
Has a symbiotic relationship with the plants
Ø Plants would not survive without it
Bacterium fixes nitrogen into a bioavailable form
Plant provides nutrients and a home for the bacteria
o Pathogenic
§ Ex. Rickettsia rickettsii
Obligate intracellular pathogen
Carried by insects and transmitted by insect bites
Causes “Rocky Mountain spotted fever”
Phylogenetically, Rickettsia is the closest relative to the eukaryotic
mitochondrion (see page 31)
ii. Betaproteobacteria
o Metabolically diverse, some are pathogens, some are non-pathogens
§ Ex. Neisseria mucosa
Non-pathogenic commensal (surfaces) of the human body
§ Ex. Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Pathogenic, causes the STI gonorrhea
Functionally different compared to N. mucosa
iii. Gammaproteobacteria
o Metabolically and ecologically diverse
o Many grow well in the lab and become important research models
§ Ex. Escherichia coli (E. coli)
Gram negative, rod shaped, facultative aerobe, motile by means of
peritrichous flagella
Ferments lactose to a mixture of acids and alcohols (and soil)
Resident of the large intestine od warm-blooded animals
Serves as an important indicator of fecal contamination
Ø Indicator of poop, and precursor for any other bacteria that
could be present in given samples
§ Ex. Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Gram negative, rod shaped, motile by means of polar flagella, but does
not ferment sugars
Naturally resistant to many antibiotics and disinfectants
Ø Does not acquire resistance, but just always had it
Opportunistic pathogen
Ø Causes infections in immunocompromised (poor immune
system) patients
Ø Not a big risk to anyone except the poor immune systems
Very tough to kill
Ø Antibacterial agents are just food to P. ae
Ex. Respiratory tract infections in cystic fibrosis patients
Ø Too much mucous, number one cause of death for CF
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Document Summary

Most prokaryotes cannot be cultured in the lab (yet) Some phyla are well studied in the lab (e. coli) Some are known only from 16s sequences or metagenomic studies. Details to follow: cyanobacteria, proteobacteria, firmicutes, tenericutes and actinobacteria, bacteroidetes, chlamydiae and. Impressive morphological diversity, generally larger than other bacteria. Unicellular, filamentous, or branching filaments: some form heterocysts. Example of limited differentiation in bacteria: bacteria usually do not have special cell types (binary fission, only truly oxygenic photosynthetic microorganisms (see page 32) Harvest energy from light and produce oxygen: all are autotrophs. Fix co2 to build cell material (calvin cycle) Can fix carbon from co2 and can also fix n2: like chloroplasts they carry out photosynthesis in specialized membranes called thylakoids, unlike chloroplasts they have cell walls. Gram negative cell wall type: widely distributed in terrestrial, freshwater, and marine habitats, lowest nutritional requirements of any organisms. One of the most abundant organisms on earth.