STAT 1000 Study Guide - Empty Set, Sampling Frame, Venn Diagram

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6 Oct 2013

Document Summary

Statistics is the scientific method for obtaining, organizing, summarizing and analyzing data. Descriptive statistics: organizing, summarizing and presenting collected data. Inferential statistics: making generalization from the sample to the population. Population: the totality of units about which we want information. Sample: a subset of the units in a population. Individuals: objects described by a set of data. A variable is a characteristic that varies among individuals in a population. Quantitative variable: something that can be counted or measured for each individual and then added, subtracted, averaged etc . Discrete data the variable takes isolated numbers. Continuous data - no gaps among its numerical values; when observations involve making measurements. Categorical variable: place individuals into one of several groups for which arithmetic operations such as adding and averaging do not make sense. Nominal: a label or name and the categories cannot be ordered in any sense. Ordinal: the categories can be ordered by their relative attribute or quality.