BIOL 211- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 41 pages long!)

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Largest subphylum of chordates: have a brain (cephalization) surrounded by a cranium. Hollow dorsal nerve cord above notochord, with anterior brain adjacent to 3 special sense organs (eyes, nasal epithelium, and labyrinth) Bilateral symmetry: vertebrates are mobile, active animals have different anterior/posterior and dorsal/ventral regions, left and right are approximate mirror images but there is asymmetry within the body. Coelom an internal space to house internal organs. Segmented (metamerism) a lot in embryo, can be in musculature: body is arranged in metameric segments, most evident in embryos. Characteristics of deuterostomes: radial cleavage cleavage planes occur perpendicular or parallel to each other in early cell divisions. Indeterminate cleavage cell may develop into a whole organisms if separated, also in early cell divisions: the blastopore is at the posterior, and it becomes the anus rather than the mouth. Considered a chordate because it has a dorsal nerve chord.