BIOL241 Study Guide - Final Guide: Fecal Coliform, Salmonella Enterica Subsp. Enterica, Cholera Toxin

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70% of planets freshwater is locked away in glaciers, permanent snow, ground ice. Purification of drinking water: remove potentially pathogenic microorganisms, decrease turbidity (amount of suspended particles, eliminate taste and odour, reduce nuisance chemicals. Coagulation: alum (aluminum sulfate), anonic polymers interacts with small suspended particles and colloids (coagulation) to form larger flocs (flocculation) Flocs settle by gravity, trapping and removing microbes, absorbing organic matter, sediment: most common type of filter is sand filter. Filtration: removes remaining suspended particles, microorganisms, critical to removal of disinfectant resistant molecules (giardia, cryptosporidium) Filtered water is particulate free, low in most organic, inorganic chemicals, microorganisms: membrane filters also used to remove particles larger then 0. 2um. Potential pathogens: bacteria: salmonella, shigella, vibrio cholera, e coli, yersina, campylobacter, leptospira, legionella, bacteriodes, viruses: hepatitis virus, rotaviruses, noroviruses. Protists: giardia, cryptosporidium, entamoeba, balantidium, naegleria: there are too many pathogens, numbers vary depending on prevalence, causative agent in human community.