BIOL 266- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 48 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Computers are required to store and analyze the massive and growing collection of biological data. Computation has become an essential part of modern biological research. Computational biology: the application of computational tools to solve biological problems. Spans numerous disciplines: genomics, molecular biology, biophysics, ecology, more More emphasis on analysis of high-throughput data (e. g. , genomic sequence data) This course broadly covers computational biology with an emphasis on bioinformatics. Pattern discovery: learn patterns from biological data. Prediction: use patterns to predict biological function. Integration: develop models that connect levels of information. Simulation: model behavior of biological systems on a computer. Engineering: design novel biological systems for specific purposes. Therapy: design molecular therapeutics to combat disease. Dna first isolated by friedrich miescher in 1869. Structure solved in 1950s by watson & crick. Dna polymers are specific sequences of nucleotides. All of the organism"s dna-based genetic instructions make up the genome. Genome is composed of genes, which are dna instructions for making proteins.