CHEM120L Study Guide - Final Guide: Copper(Ii) Hydroxide, Copper(Ii) Nitrate, Copper(Ii) Sulfate

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Wipe up all spills and bottle rings immediately. Keep aisles and bench-tops free of obstructions. Check all equipment before using, making sure it all works and is not broken. Always use protective equipment goggles, lab coat, close - toed shoes. Become familiar with the chemicals you will be using before each experiment. If chemical goes on skin, go to nearest sink and flush area with lost of water. If chemicals go in the eye, go to the nearest eye wash station and rinse eye for a minimum of 10 minutes. Cuts, abrasions or burns, report to t. a. If fire catches on to you stop, drop and roll. If the fire alarm sounds, turn off all services(gas, electricity and water) leave immediately through appropriate exit. To use fire extinguisher use pass technique. (pull, aim, squeeze, sweep) Class a fires: ordinary combustible materials (paper, wood, most plastics) Class b fires: flammable/ combustible liquids ( gasoline, solvents, grease, oil)