CHEM 237L- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 18 pages long!)

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I acknowledge that severe penalties exist for any copying of material from other sources without attribution, for excessive collaboration and for repeat submissions, including a mark of zero (0) for this course. Lab reports that do not include a signed declaration will not be graded. Table 1: absorbance of serial dilutions of coomassie blue at 595nm. Table 2: volume measurement by mass with average/deviation. Table 4: arbitrary slope with varying path length so au(mg/ml)-1 aum-1cm-1. 854g/mol l = 1cm l = 2cm l = 4cm. Average deviation average deviation = sum of |deviations| / n. Average deviation = ( |-0. 0013| + |0. 0009| + |0. 0004|)/3. Concentration / molar mass where ml x g x 1l x 1000mg therefore mg mol 1000ml 1g. Absorbance as a function of concentration at 595nm. 0. 05 e c n a b r o s b. The more intense the colour, the higher the absorbance value recorded. One can conclude from this observation that beer.