FR152 Study Guide - Final Guide: Hot Chocolate, Preposition And Postposition, Navais

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5. 1- saying what you did (pass compos ) with avoir. Ir verbs -i choisir choisi finir fini r ussir r ussi. Re verbs u attendre attendu perdre perdu r pondre r pondu. Tudier tudi habiter habit : to make verbs in the pass compos negative, put ne pas around the auxiliary verb. Je n"ai pas retrouv mes amis au caf . I didn"t meet my friends at the caf . Bccdlo ppprvv boire (to drink) conna tre (to know) courir (to run) devoir (must, to have to) lire (to read) obtenir (to obtain) Obtenu plaire ( ) (to please) plu pleuvoir (to rain) Plu pouvoir (to be able) pu recevoir (to receive) re u voir (to see) vouloir (to want) Past participles ending in it, -is conduire (to drive) conduit prendre (to take) dire (to say) Crire (to write) faire (to do, to make) fait. Appris apprendre (to learn) comprendre (to understand) compris mettre (to put, put on)