KIN104 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Ankle, Skeletal Muscle, Pulmonary Artery

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Deduction: a general statement that is backed up by evidence that is already held true. Think of induction as the bottom up approach , you start with a small observation/question then it works its way to a theory by examining related issues. Deduction is the same as the top down approach where it starts with a general statement, theory or hypothesis then it works its way to a conclusion based on gathered evidence. Both are strategies to reason about something. No intent of finding the truth can be intentional or non-intentional is a bad thing, leads to fake studies in order to bias a study to confirm a particular hypothesis. Pseudo-science false science someone might be trying to find truth, but not using the proper methods leads to false data, or confirming a hypothesis that"s not true. Make sure data is reliable and bias free.