[PACS 201] - Midterm Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (28 pages long)

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Document Summary

Conflict = what results from the existence (real or imagined) of incompatible goals, beliefs, or activities (brunk) whether it is handled constructively or destructively; dual nature to conflict (can bring danger and opportunity) Conflict is not always bad rather out experience of conflict depends on. Conflict is normal conflict is present in many ways in everyday life and is discourse) violence is a subset of conflict. Conflict is not the same as violence (as commonly thought, present in typically not actually violent. War, abuse, harassment, even abuse that leaves a residue of harm. Direct violence (seen) usually think of this form because it has a clear. Structural violence (unseen) more abstract and challenging because it is indirect and perpetrator may not be obvious; institutionalized and caused by social systems or policies; ex. Exploitation, repression, marginalization, environmental destruction, unequal distribution of life chances. Detroit residents facing economic hardships being forced to pay systemic issues.